Freehand settings

Everybody loves freehand drawing.  A sketchy, hand-drawn-like chart in a report  look beautiful.

Now you can simulate hand-drawings  chart in livegap  To look like it was drawing by hand. Only actived the FreeHand  option tab and you chart will be sketchy.




Here same example created with it:




Bar chart

Polar area chart


Stroke Roughness : Numerical value indicating how rough the Stroke is.  0 would be a perfect Line. Default value is 1. There is no upper limit to this value, but a value over 10 is mostly useless.

Stroke Bowing : Numerical value indicating how curvy the lines are when drawing a sketch. A value of 0 will cause straight lines. Default value is 1.

Fill Style : Select one of this  styles To  use as The Fill Style

  • Hachure : draws sketchy parallel lines with the same roughness as defined by the Fill Roughness and the Fill Bowing properties .you can  configured  it using the Fill Weight , Hachure Angle, and Hachure Gap properties.
  • Solid : fill the shape with color.
  • zigzag :  draws zig-zag lines
  • cross-hatch:  Similar to Hachure, but draws cross hatch lines
  • Alpha:  use the Alpha of the color  if the alpha of the color 0  no fill at all, if the alpha of the color is 1 the color will use solid fill , betwen 0 -1 will use Hachure fill and  Hachure Gap will increase with the alpha value.


Fill Weight : Numeric value representing the width of the hachure lines

Fill Roughness : Numerical value indicating how rough the lines in  Fill is.  0 would be a perfect Line. Default value is 1. There is no upper limit to this value, but a value over 10 is mostly useless.

Fill Bowing : Numerical value indicating how curvy the lines in the Fill  . A value of 0 will cause straight lines. Default value is 1.

Hachure Gap : Numerical value that defines the average gap, in pixels, between two hachure lines.

Hachure Angle : defines the angle of the hachure lines.

  • Numerical value
  • Vertical
  • Horizontal
  • Random
  • Alpha: using Alpha of color to define the direction of the Hachure lines.




Categories: Charts


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